My work is predominantly worked on hand dyed cotton or silk, and/or discharged cotton, using hand dyed silk threads and commercial cotton thread - the pieces enriched with extensive kantha, traditional and expressive stitching.
Most pieces are mounted onto canvas artist frames for ease of hanging.


Free To Wander
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Free To Wander

Judging others places them in “boxes” based on - race, religion, social/economic status, urban/rural etc. Boxes become restrictive, form barriers, are difficult to break away from. We are all entitled to be free from the judgment of others, free to wander who I am today may not be who I will become tomorrow if the restrictive boxes, set by the expectations of others, are removed.

The Long Walk
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The Long Walk

Displaced, the plight of those forced from their homelands, their long walk in search of freedom from poverty, starvation, natural disaster, warfare, political/religious persecution.

Scars Upon Our Landscape
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Scars Upon Our Landscape

Looks at the impact our ever-increasing demand for resources has on the environment - how almost too late we are endevouring to “patch” the damage we have caused.

The Australian Landscape | Mind Wanderings